Eliminate acne at home - Dayspen


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Eliminate acne at home

At the beginning of our subject and before talking about the effects of acne, we do not need to say that acne is one of the most common skin problems, especially among youth and adolescents, but they can appear for other reasons and in the more advanced ages. In all cases, the problem is haunted by everyone from men and women alike. Despite the availability of many operations and treatments and medical products that contribute to the removal of acne, but that in addition to the fact that these treatments are expensive, most of these species harm the skin and cause many other problems that we do not need. For this, we have stated in previous threads all causes of acne and the most important ways and methods of prevention and many mixtures and natural recipes that can be prepared at home and that contribute to hide these pills and reduce their appearance again.

The other problem here is that acne can cause the appearance of acne scars even after they expire, and show these effects are often ill-treated with pills or negligent treatment and this increases the importance of the topics that we talked about earlier, simply because if the prevention of grain the after-effects of grain will not appear. But in any case we will try in this topic that we address the issue of the effects of acne and how to get rid of it because the reason you are in this subject often is the search index for a way to get rid of this problem.

Scars or acne scars is divided into two main categories, namely colored scars (dark spots) and scars resulting from atrophy of some parts of the skin. The colored scars or dark spots are the most common type and widespread, as experienced by many people appear in the form of signs or red spots or brown on the skin after removal of acne. While the second type is a rare type of atrophy is caused by some parts of the skin or inflation.

Despite the importance of treating the effects of acne or scars, lending as soon as possible so as not to be permanent, but in regards to the first type, a dark spots often disappears after a while but there are other spots may remain permanently on the black spots or brown or pale white markings body so it is It is important to treat as soon as possible and this is the focus of our conversation on this subject. As for the second type of effects are often permanent and difficult to get rid of them without resorting to medical treatments, ranging from drugs and medical creams and even the need for surgical intervention Aesthetic especially in the case that these are old and deep scars. Although not underestimate the importance of consulting a dermatologist in both cases to discuss the situation with him and took consulted, but we offer in this topic some mixtures of natural and prescription fully and that can contribute significantly to remove the effects of homemade acne without damaging the skin.

Recipe honey bee  :

Everyone knows the benefits of honey bees in the fight against bacteria and richness in vitamins, amino acids and minerals. In addition to all this, the natural bee honey works to stimulate tissue growth and contribute to the protection of the infection. Honey can be applied to the face to take advantage of its ability to treat acne scars and the resulting effects.

Recipe cactus 

Cactus also enjoys unique characteristics give it the potential anti-inflammatory, so use it helps to get rid of the redness of the skin and skin irritations. In addition, it helps to help prevent the appearance of scars and permanent effects, so the experience can contribute to get rid of acne scars, especially if it was in the early stage of infection.

Recipe lemon juice 

Of lemon juice ability bleaching face and has been used in many for this purpose recipes, but additionally helps lemon juice lighten dark spots resulting from the effects of acne and can be mixed with one of the above ingredients such as honey or aloe vera to help get rid of the scars, but preferably not to use it for sensitive skin especially for long.